Sunday, December 2, 2012

Benches And Coaches Are Now Watched In NCAA Basketball

In the article “NCAA Cleaning Up Bench Behavior” by the Athletic Management team they talk about a new rule being put into place for the NCAA basketball teams. The NCAA Basketball committee has put a new rule into effect which can earn a team a technical if the coach or the team’s bench is acting out of line. The athletic management team states that the following rules are being put into place, which will all create a technical foul for the team:

Comments directed at or referring to any game official that question the integrity of an official (repeated references to the number of fouls called against each team; suggesting an official is "cheating" a team, etc.).
•Profane, vulgar, threatening, or derogatory remarks or personal comments relating to race, ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation directed at or referring to any game official or opposing player/bench personnel.
•Prolonged, negative responses to a call/no-call that are disrespectful or unprofessional, including waving or thrashing the arms in disgust, dramatizing contact by re-enacting the play, or running or jumping "in disbelief" over a call/non-call.
•A negative response to a call/no-call that includes approaching/charging an official in a hostile, aggressive or otherwise threatening manner, emphatically removing one's coat in response to a call/no-call, or throwing equipment or clothing on to the floor.
•Continual criticism during a game regarding the same incident after being warned by an official.

            I think this is a great rule that the NCAA has put into their rule book. These types of incidents happen all the time in the games, and make the coach and team look bad. Also many of the these games are being played on television which makes the team look even worse and the college look bad as well. So this type of rule may help clean up all of this mess. Also the referees don’t deserve all of the verbal punishment they get from the coaches; they are just doing their jobs and calling the best game that they possibly can. I hope this rule helps clean the game up because no one likes seeing the bench and coach acting a fool out on the court.

Team, Athletic Management. "NCAA Cleaning Up Bench Behavior ." 2 November 2012. Athletic Management. 1 December 2012 <>.

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