Monday, October 22, 2012

Athletic Departments Turning the Corner

            To address all of the types of situations that athletic departments go through to keep their programs alive, Laura Ulrich published an article named “Turning the Corner” for Athletic Management in the fall of 2008. Laura Ulrich is currently a contributing writer for Athletic Management. This article describes how athletic departments had to deal with all types of issues that made them look bad, but they find a way to overcome them. Ulrich wrote this article to explain what athletic departments have to go through just to keep their program afloat.
            In this article, Ulrich used 6 different types of situations that have happened to explain how athletic programs have overcome some type of crisis, and how it is possible to overcome a crisis. I will be explaining 3 of them I was really interested in.
 She first uses a situation at Montana State. In this situation student athletes were being charged of a violent crime and also being charged of drug dealing.  This caused the school and athletic program with have a very bad reputation.  Ulrich then explains how the athletic director at Montana State gets a group together to get this situation solved. They use a SWOT analysis, which stands for "Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats," to solve this situation. It only took two years for the program to turn this situation around and have a good reputation again. Which I think was a good strategy, because you need to get everyone together and find some solution to bring the program back to where it needs to be.
 The second story involves a high school having to deal with one of their student athletes being photographed drinking and doing drugs at a party, then the images being uploaded on Facebook. The school doesn’t know what to do about this situation because they never had any rules against it, but they were getting a lot of negative media about it. This situation ended up making the school have a policy on social media sites and pictures, which eventually spread throughout other school’s policies too. I think this is a big problem that happens in a lot of schools these days, and I know social media can cause a lot of trouble for people. So there needs to be some type of policy for student athletes and their social media.
 The last story I’m going to talk about involves a Title IX problem, where a female student athlete felt like she was being mistreated compared to the male athletes. So the school ended up asking her what she felt wasn’t fair, and came up with a solution were the women athletes were getting the same opportunity as male athletes. This is an issue that all schools must take into consideration, because Title IX can cause a lot of issues and a may cause a bad reputation for your school if you don’t watch it carefully.
            Ulrich explains these situations very well in this article. Her argument on how athletic programs have to deal with a lot is explained great by all of the situations and stories that she explained.  I really enjoyed reading this article, the stories that she provided were great and I honestly couldn’t stop reading until I found out what they did to fix the situations. I would recommend this article to basically anyone that likes sports or are involved in some type of sport. This deals with the crisis that programs have to go through sometimes, and there is always some type of problem that comes up. This article would be a great reference for people to read and try and deal with problems they may have in their sports.

Ulrich, Laura. "Turning the Corner." Athletic Management (2008).

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